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The $29.99/year offer is valid only for the launch. Available only for the first 1,000 subscribers!


Save up to 36% on a yearly subscription



check1 slot
checkShortlist Up To 25 Players
checkNotifications Count Up To 25
checkUpload Timer Set Every 30 Min.




check3 slots
checkShortlist Up To 50 Players
checkNotifications Count Up To 50
checkNo ads
checkNo Upload Timer
checkFaster Upload & Processing Time
checkVerified Checkmark
checkHelp Develop the Platform ❤️




check10 slots
checkShortlist Up To 150 Players
checkNotifications Count Up To 150
checkNo ads
checkNo Upload Timer
checkFaster Upload & Processing Time
checkVerified Checkmark
checkPriority Support
checkPriority Request Feature
checkHelp Develop the Platform ❤️
What is CMTracker?
CMTracker is the ultimate Career Mode hub for PC and console players and the only platform that lets you upload your save file to explore your in-game database in detail. It provides real-time access to all players in your career, including regens and pregens, as well as teams, leagues, and managers. With powerful filtering options, CMTracker helps you scout, analyze, and make informed decisions to enhance your Career Mode experience. Join a growing community of players using CMTracker to take their Career Mode to the next level!
  • Upload CM Save Technology
  • Track Player Stats Across Seasons
  • Track Team Achievements
  • Search for Players with over 75 Filters
  • Shortlist Scouted Players
  • Ability to Share Your CM Save Online
  • Browse Other CM Saves in the Community Hub
  • Access the latest Squads Update including Players, Managers, Teams, Stadiums and Items such as Boots, Gloves and Balls.
  • Compare Tool
  • Potential, Wage, Value and Position Calculators
  • Access latest news and guides on Career Mode
We are currently offering three plans: Free, Pro and Max.
Yes, you can try our Pro plan for 7 days!
We currently accept payments via Credit Card and PayPal. You can be billed monthly or annually with a 17% discount.
Yes, if you cancel before the trial period ends.
After registering, click on the Upload button from the menu. Then, on the dashboard, select an available slot to upload your save file from the location displayed on the slot card. To track stats you need to upload the progressive save of the same career over the current one. It is recommended to upload saves before a new season begins.
'Career' displays players from your uploaded save. 'Default' shows players from the latest official EASFC squads update.
Your team and players will be accessible on the CMTracker dashboard, under the slot where you uploaded your save.
Absolutely! You can share your progress by clicking the share button on your team profile, making it visible for your friends or followers online. Privacy settings can be adjusted at
You can recover your last uploaded save from CMTracker by navigating to your Career Dashboard, selecting your slot, clicking the three vertical dots and selecting 'Download original'.
You can reach us via email or join our Discord channel for more information.