Create your free account and access exclusive features that will enhance your Career Mode experience.
Welcome to the official CM Tracker API! This interface gives you structured access to our data for Players, Managers, and Teams, allowing you to integrate career-mode information into your own applications, tools, or research.
Important: API access is currently limited and available only to approved users. If you're interested in using the API, please contact us directly to request access. You'll be provided with a unique API key and configuration settings upon approval.
Once approved, you will be able to access endpoints like /public/api/player
, /public/api/team
, and /public/api/manager
using secure headers and optional IP whitelisting.
To request access, please email us at or reach out via our contact form.
The Player API provides access to detailed information about individual players in FIFA career mode, including personal attributes, statistics, teams, contracts, and more.
: Your registered emailx-user-token
: Your API tokenGET /public/api/player/215123?db=65a8cda81e1b2e3bff9c5079 Host: x-user-email: x-user-token: your-api-token
You must be authorized to access this endpoint. Unauthorized access attempts via browser or frontend apps will be blocked, and your API access may be revoked.
The Players API provides access to a paginated list of players across any FIFA FC database. You can specify sorting, paging, and filters through query parameters. This endpoint is optimized for large-scale data access and supports over 70 filterable fields.
, max is 100
. Use %3A
for :
in URLs. Example: sort=overallrating%3Adesc
You can optionally use compare_mode
to switch the response into a special predefined dataset. This helps you retrieve specific player lists without needing to manually configure filters.
β Most visited players across the platformtrending
β Recently popular or fast-growing playersadded
β New players added in the selected FIFA databaseremoved
β Players removed in the selected FIFA databaseupdated
β Players with updated stats, contracts, or attributesfree_agent
β Players currently without a clubloan
β Players on loanbargain
β High-potential players with low market valuewonder
β Wonderkids with high potential and young ageicons
β FIFA Icons or legendary playersNote: You can combine compare_mode
with sort
, page
, limit
, and db
. However, additional filters may be ignored depending on the mode used.
GET /public/api/players?compare_mode=trending&limit=10&db=65a8cda81e1b2e3bff9c5079
You can sort by any available player property. Examples:
β Sort by name A-Zsort=overallrating:desc
β Sort by rating highest to lowestsort=age:asc
β Youngest firstThese attributes accept values between 0 and 99. You must provide both__gte
and __lte
to define a valid range.
Filter | Description | Type | Supported Operators | Example |
acceleration | Acceleration | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?acceleration__gte=80&acceleration__lte=99 |
sprintspeed | Sprint Speed | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?sprintspeed__gte=70&sprintspeed__lte=90 |
agility | Agility | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?agility__gte=85&agility__lte=95 |
balance | Balance | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?balance__gte=70&balance__lte=90 |
jumping | Jumping | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?jumping__gte=60&jumping__lte=85 |
stamina | Stamina | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?stamina__gte=75&stamina__lte=99 |
strength | Strength | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?strength__gte=70&strength__lte=90 |
reactions | Reactions | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?reactions__gte=85&reactions__lte=99 |
aggression | Aggression | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?aggression__gte=50&aggression__lte=80 |
composure | Composure | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?composure__gte=70&composure__lte=95 |
interceptions | Interceptions | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?interceptions__gte=60&interceptions__lte=99 |
positioning | Positioning | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?positioning__gte=80&positioning__lte=99 |
vision | Vision | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?vision__gte=75&vision__lte=95 |
ballcontrol | Ball Control | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?ballcontrol__gte=85&ballcontrol__lte=99 |
crossing | Crossing | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?crossing__gte=60&crossing__lte=80 |
dribbling | Dribbling | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?dribbling__gte=85&dribbling__lte=99 |
finishing | Finishing | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?finishing__gte=80&finishing__lte=99 |
freekickaccuracy | Free Kick Accuracy | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?freekickaccuracy__gte=60&freekickaccuracy__lte=85 |
headingaccuracy | Heading Accuracy | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?headingaccuracy__gte=40&headingaccuracy__lte=70 |
longpassing | Long Passing | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?longpassing__gte=75&longpassing__lte=95 |
shortpassing | Short Passing | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?shortpassing__gte=80&shortpassing__lte=95 |
marking | Marking | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?marking__gte=60&marking__lte=85 |
shotpower | Shot Power | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?shotpower__gte=70&shotpower__lte=90 |
longshots | Long Shots | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?longshots__gte=75&longshots__lte=95 |
standingtackle | Standing Tackle | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?standingtackle__gte=60&standingtackle__lte=90 |
slidingtackle | Sliding Tackle | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?slidingtackle__gte=50&slidingtackle__lte=80 |
volleys | Volleys | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?volleys__gte=60&volleys__lte=80 |
curve | Curve | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?curve__gte=65&curve__lte=85 |
penalties | Penalties | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?penalties__gte=60&penalties__lte=80 |
gkdiving | GK Diving | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?gkdiving__gte=5&gkdiving__lte=20 |
gkhandling | GK Handling | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?gkhandling__gte=5&gkhandling__lte=20 |
gkkicking | GK Kicking | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?gkkicking__gte=5&gkkicking__lte=20 |
gkreflexes | GK Reflexes | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?gkreflexes__gte=5&gkreflexes__lte=20 |
gkpositioning | GK Positioning | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?gkpositioning__gte=5&gkpositioning__lte=20 |
These fields control high-level player filters like nationality, league, rating, and age. Multi-select fields use __in
with comma-separated values (e.g. ?gender__in=Male%2CFemale
). Range filters require both __gte
and __lte
Filter | Description | Type | Supported Operators | Example |
gender | Player gender | Multi-select (Male, Female) | __in | ?gender__in=0,1 |
nation | Nation name (label) | Multi-select | __in | ?nationality__in=1,2,3 |
league | League name | Multi-select | __in | ?league__in=10,26 |
team | Team ID | Multi-select (numeric) | __in | ?team__in=241,110 |
age | Player age | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?age__gte=18&age__lte=24 |
overallrating | Overall Rating | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?overallrating__gte=75&overallrating__lte=90 |
potential | Player Potential | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?potential__gte=80&potential__lte=95 |
growth | Rating Growth | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?growth__gte=10&growth__lte=25 |
total_attributes | Total Stats | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?total_attributes__gte=1500&total_attributes__lte=4000 |
real_face | 3D Face Scan | Enum: 1 = Yes, 0 = No | __in | ?real_face__in=1 |
skillmoves | Skill Moves | Integer (1β5) | __gte, __lte | ?skillmoves__gte=3&skillmoves__lte=5 |
weafoot | Weak Foot | Integer (1β5) | __gte, __lte | ?weafoot__gte=4&weafoot__lte=5 |
valueUSD | Market value (USD) | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?valueUSD__gte=1000000&valueUSD__lte=50000000 |
wageUSD | Weekly wage (USD) | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?wageUSD__gte=10000&wageUSD__lte=300000 |
release_clause | Release clause amount | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?release_clause__gte=5000000&release_clause__lte=100000000 |
contract | Contract valid until year | Year | __gte, __lte | ?contract__gte=2024&contract__lte=2027 |
primary_positions | Main player positions | Multi-select (numeric) | __in, __mode=all | ?primary_positions__in=22,27&primary_positions__mode=all |
other_positions | Secondary/tertiary positions | Multi-select (numeric) | __in, __mode=all | ?other_positions__in=15,18&other_positions__mode=any |
preferredfoot | Preferred foot | Enum: Left, Right | __in | ?preferredfoot__in=Left,Right |
accType | Acceleration type | Multi-select | __in | ?accType__in=Explosive |
attackingworkrate | Attacking work rate | Multi-select: Low, Medium, High | __in | ?attackingworkrate__in=High,Medium |
defensiveworkrate | Defensive work rate | Multi-select: Low, Medium, High | __in | ?defensiveworkrate__in=Low |
player_type | Generated vs real player | 1 = real, 2 = generated | __in | ?player_type__in=1 |
loaned | Is player loaned out | 0 = No, 1 = Yes | __in | ?loaned__in=1 |
isretiring | Is player retiring | 0 = No, 1 = Yes | __in | ?isretiring__in=1 |
Use these filters to search players based on physical characteristics and visual customization values.__in
is used for multi-select values. Height and weight require __gte
and __lte
Filter | Description | Type | Supported Operators | Example |
height | Player height (cm) | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?height__gte=175&height__lte=190 |
weight | Player weight (kg) | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?weight__gte=70&weight__lte=85 |
eyecolor | Eye color | Multi-select (numeric) | __in | ?eyecolor__in=1,3,5 |
haircolor | Hair color | Multi-select (numeric) | __in | ?haircolor__in=1,3,5 |
skintone | Skin tone ID | Multi-select (numeric) | __in | ?skintone__in=1,3,5 |
headtype | Head model ID | Multi-select (numeric) | __in | ?headtype__in=12,14 |
bodytype | Body model ID | Multi-select (numeric, use -1 for custom) | __in | ?bodytype__in=2,3,-1 |
The Team API provides access to detailed information about football clubs in FIFA career mode, including ratings, financial attributes, and club-specific data across each FIFA database version.
: Your registered emailx-user-token
: Your API tokenGET /public/api/team/243?db=65a8cda81e1b2e3bff9c5079 Host: x-user-email: x-user-token: your-api-token
You must be authorized to access this endpoint. Unauthorized access attempts via browser or frontend apps will be blocked, and your API access may be revoked.
The Teams API provides access to a paginated list of football clubs from any FIFA FC database. You can apply filters, paging, and sorting to retrieve clubs across different FIFA versions. This endpoint is optimized for performance and supports advanced compare modes.
, max is 100
. Use %3A
for :
in URLs. Example: sort=overallrating%3Adesc
You can optionally use compare_mode
to switch the response into a special predefined dataset. This helps you retrieve specific team lists based on how they changed between FIFA database versions.
β Most liked/disliked teams across the platformtrending
β Most visited teams in recent daysadded
β Teams that were added in the selected FIFA databaseremoved
β Teams that were removed in the selected FIFA databaseupdated
β Teams that have been updated in the selected FIFA databaseNote: You can combine compare_mode
with sort
, page
, limit
, and db
. However, additional filters may be ignored depending on the mode used.
GET /public/api/teams?compare_mode=popular&limit=10&db=65a8cda81e1b2e3bff9c5079
You can sort by any available team property. Examples:
β Sort by club name A-Zsort=overallrating:desc
β Sort by rating highest to lowestsort=clubworth:desc
β Sort by total club worthUse these filters to narrow down teams based on attributes, ratings, finances, trophies, and reputation. All range filters require both __gte
and __lte
. League and Build-Up Play are __in
Filter | Description | Type | Supported Operators | Example |
overallrating | Team overall rating | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?overallrating__gte=70&overallrating__lte=85 |
attackrating | Attack rating | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?attackrating__gte=75&attackrating__lte=90 |
midfieldrating | Midfield rating | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?midfieldrating__gte=70&midfieldrating__lte=90 |
defenserating | Defense rating | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?defenserating__gte=68&defenserating__lte=88 |
clubworth | Club value in USD | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?clubworth__gte=100000000&clubworth__lte=800000000 |
league | League name | Multi-select (int) | __in | ?league__in=10,15 |
buildupplay | Build-up play style | Multi-select (numeric) | __in | ?buildupplay__in=1,2 |
popularity | Team popularity score | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?popularity__gte=50&popularity__lte=99 |
avgAge | Average player age | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?avgAge__gte=22&avgAge__lte=28 |
leaguetitles | Domestic league titles | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?leaguetitles__gte=1&leaguetitles__lte=30 |
domesticcups | Domestic cup wins | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?domesticcups__gte=1&domesticcups__lte=20 |
continentaltitles | International club titles | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?continentaltitles__gte=1&continentaltitles__lte=10 |
defensivedepth | Defensive depth value | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?defensivedepth__gte=30&defensivedepth__lte=70 |
domesticprestige | Domestic prestige rating | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?domesticprestige__gte=60&domesticprestige__lte=90 |
internationalprestige | International prestige rating | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?internationalprestige__gte=50&internationalprestige__lte=95 |
youth_development | Youth development score | Integer | __gte, __lte | ?youth_development__gte=40&youth_development__lte=85 |
The Manager API provides access to detailed information about career mode managers in FIFA, including real face scan, current team, physical stats, contract details, and more.
: Your registered emailx-user-token
: Your API tokenGET /public/api/manager/123456?db=65a8cda81e1b2e3bff9c5079 Host: x-user-email: x-user-token: your-api-token
You must be authorized to access this endpoint. Unauthorized access attempts via browser or frontend apps will be blocked, and your API access may be revoked.
The Managers API provides access to a paginated list of all managers available in a specific FIFA FC database. You can filter, sort, and page through managers using a variety of query parameters. This endpoint also supports compare_mode
to track changes between database versions.
, max is 100
. Use %3A
for :
in URLs. Example: sort=real_face%3Adesc
You can optionally use compare_mode
to retrieve special subsets of managers based on how they changed between FIFA databases.
β Most liked/disliked managerstrending
β Most visited managers recentlyadded
β Newly added managersremoved
β Managers removed from the selected FIFA databaseupdated
β Managers whose data has changedNote: You can combine compare_mode
with sort
, page
, limit
, and db
. Additional filters may be ignored depending on the selected mode.
GET /public/api/managers?compare_mode=updated&limit=20&db=65a8cda81e1b2e3bff9c5079
You can sort by any manager property. Examples:
β Managers with real faces firstsort=weight:asc
β Lightest managers firstsort=height:desc
β Tallest managers firstThese filters allow you to query managers based on team, nationality, contract info, prestige, and appearance options. All __in
values accept comma-separated values. Date and number ranges use __gte
and __lte
Filter | Description | Type | Supported Operators | Example |
gender | Gender | Multi-select (numeric) | __in | ?gender__in=0,1 |
nation | Nationality | Multi-select (numeric) | __in | ?nationality__in=2,9 |
team | Club team ID | Multi-select (numeric) | __in | ?team__in=243,101059 |
league | Club league name | Multi-select (int) | __in | ?league__in=10,15 |
real_face | Real face scan | Yes (1) / No (0) | __in | ?real_face__in=0 |
contract | Year the manager joined current club | Year | __gte, __lte | ?contract__gte=2018&contract__lte=2023 |
domesticprestige | Club's domestic prestige | Integer (1β5) | __gte, __lte | ?domesticprestige__gte=3&domesticprestige__lte=5 |
profitability | Club profitability score | Integer (1β10) | __gte, __lte | ?profitability__gte=7&profitability__lte=10 |